Hi all,
I have the discretised variational form of the wave equation using Newmark Beta Method below:
Also attached is the algorithm of how the scheme should be implemented.
I have also attached my attempt at implementing it in fenics for simple zero BC. THE CODE RUNS, however, the results do not propagate. Can someone please help with this.
I basically wanted to implement this in a linear form with a proper solver so as to enable parallel computing at a later stage (which I currently have no idea about). It's ok if you cant help with that but can someone at least get this code to work.
![enter image description here](http://i63.tinypic.com/rswvwl.png)
from dolfin import *
from math import sqrt
import numpy as np
import pylab
# Parameters
beta = 1.0/4.0 # newmark-beta parameter
info("Newmark-beta = %f" % (beta))
N = 100 # number of timesteps
rho = 1.6 # Density in g/cc
mu = 10e-3 # Shear Modulus in GPA
inv = mu/rho
c = sqrt(inv) # Speed of wave (km/s)
#Define Mesh
dh = 48
h = 1./dh # Mesh Size
mesh = UnitSquareMesh(dh,dh)
# Set time stepping information for CFL (mesh size - time step) condition
cfl_dt = h/c
dt = 0.05*cfl_dt
info('cfl time step size = %.5f' % cfl_dt)
info('time step size = %.5f' % dt)
t = 0.0
T = N*dt
V = FunctionSpace(mesh,"CG",1)
def boundaries(x, on_boundary):
return on_boundary
bc = DirichletBC(V, Constant(0.0), boundaries)
ui = Expression('-40.*sin(pi*x[0])*sin(pi*x[1])*exp(-1000.*(pow(x[0]-0.5,2)+pow(x[1]-0.5,2)))')
u0 = interpolate(ui, V) # Initial conditions
p0 = interpolate(Constant(0.0),V) #initial velocity
u = TrialFunction(V)
v = TestFunction(V)
u_new = Function(V) # displacement (solution)
p_new = Function(V) # velocity
a_new = Function(V) # acceleration
k = inner(nabla_grad(u),nabla_grad(v))*dx # stiffness matrix integrand
m = u*v*dx # mass matrix integrand
K = assemble(k) # assemble stiffness matrix
M = assemble(m) # assemble mass matrix
u0_vec = u0.vector()
p0_vec = p0.vector()
# Start the process by finding the initial acceleration M*a0 = f0 - K*u0
#a0.vector() = -K*u0_vec/M
a0 = Function(V)
RHS = c**2*k*u0_vec
bc.apply(m, RHS)
solve(m, a0.vector(), RHS)
a0_vec = a0.vector()
# Compute LU factorization of 'B' [[breaking down the terms from final discretised expression resulting from newmark beta]]
B = M + dt**2*K*beta*c**2 #LHS of discretised equation
Bsolve = LUSolver(B)
Bsolve.parameters["reuse_factorization"] = True
file = File("results/newwave.pvd")
i = 0
while t <= T:
print("Timestep %.5f, %.2f %s complete" % (t, 100*t/T, '%'))
file << (u0,t)
# Perform predictor step
u_p = u0_vec + dt*p0_vec + dt*dt/2*(1-2*beta)*a0_vec
p_p = p0_vec + dt*a0_vec/2
L = -K*u_p
# Solve algebric system of equations
Bsolve.solve(a_new.vector(), L)
t += dt
# Perform corrector step
u_new.vector()[:] = u_p + dt**2*beta*a_new.vector()
p_new.vector()[:] = p_p + dt/2*a_new.vector()
u0.assign(u_new) # update old vector